Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Thrifting and crafties

Yesterday I went to some thrift stores with my friend Amy. We met at Panera Bread and then hit the shops. It was so much fun and I spent too much money. Here is a sampling of what I got. I had been looking forward to a big cup of coffee from Panera Bread all day... you know those big coffee mugs they have? Anyway... found one at the thrift store! And, it's so cute!! Presentation/packaging is everything. Had been wanting one of these truffle bowls or whatever you call it. And, the ugly duck thing, I bought for the embroidery loom. Hopefully, I will post a project with that soon. I also got a vintage tupperware cheese grater for $2, a ballerina outfit for Macie, two red kitchen rugs, a pumpkin towel and a shawl. I want to go back. Trying to hold off and save my money for Round Top in about 10 days!!

When Sara was here a couple of months ago, we both got some of these cute hearts cut out of an old quilt. Sara had the idea that I should put them in these oval frames that I had (I bought two the same day as the hearts). Anyway, I finally got around to putting them up in Maris's room. They look cute. I think it needs something else though. What do you think? Different spacing, more stuff?


Clarissa said...

love love love!!!!
LOVE the fun finds AND the hearts!!! :)))

looks cute to me!! what about putting a mat behind one of the hearts in a contrasting color (i always like aqua with pink)?? just an idear...

you are so crafty!!! :)

Shara said...

I agree it needs something to add more color, or colorful bows on or by the frame.. ask your thrift store when they have 'sale' day!