Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

This picture makes me laugh! "Excuse me sir, license and registration please." We had a wild weekend. I was in the mood for a vacation, but we never go our act together, so we kinda just played tourist here close to home. Fri, I drug the family to Grapevine Mills to do some returns. The bribe was eating at Rainforest Cafe. It was fun. Saturday, we went to Fossil Rim Wildlife park to see and feed the animals. It was fun too, but not as great as it has been in the past. Plus, it was super expensive. I think it will be a while before we go back. Sun, we took it easy and Mon we went to Lake Grapevine. Macie tried out our new boat toy that is kinda like a raft or tube you pull behind the boat. She road it with Erin. Later, she told me "That thing was awesome!" It was cool to see her riding it and not too scared. Maybe she will learn to ski in a few years.

Unfortunately, we also were at the Dr two times this weekend. On Fri for Macie's ear ache. Thurs nite she was crying and saying it hurt. Fri morning it didn't but I took her anyway. Turned out to not be bad and she didn't take meds for it. Mon, I thought she had a urinary tract infection.... won't go into details. We are waiting for the final results of that test, but she was fine later in the day, so I think it was nothing serious. She calls it an eery-eery infection. Too funny.
Oh, and by the way, I tried to beautify my blog, but couldn't figure it out. I got tired the other day and just left it like this. Sara help! I will try again in a few days. I am such a dork!

1 comment:

Clarissa said...

i loooove your blog deal!! so cute!!

sounds like y'all had a great time! i LOVE that of course your "staycation" included returning stuff at the mall. SO STEPH!! ha!

macie is so fearless! good for her (and Y'all for giving her such confidence!! :)) !!