Monday, June 15, 2009

The BirthdayParty!

Wow. It was crazy. Somehow there were a million kids at my house. And, it was the hottest most humid day of the year. But, it was fun. Again, more random pictures. I had to make the cake twice, b/c the first one looked like crap. We ended up buying a high dollar inflatable waterslide for the party (and to use all summer). I tried to get it on craiglist for 1/2 the price, but the lady was such a flake. I just couldn't make it work with her. She lived an hour away too. So, Target sold it to me for the previous week's sale price and I got 10% off by applying for the credit card. I love doing that. I got the best deal from GAP. And, currently I have $60 in credit at Pier 1.... but I digress...

So, we had the crazy slide which was a hit. But, the kids went crazy for the treasure hunt, too. That surprised me. I thought they wouldn't want to get off the slide. Katy drew a map for me, I tore it in 4 pieces. The first clue we snuck into the pool at the bottom of the slide inside of a plastic bottle. They read the first clue which told them where the 2nd piece was located and so on. Then, they put all 4 pieces together to make the map and locate the treasure. I filled this small treasure box with candy and trinkets. They attacked that thing! It was funny.

After the party, John and I tried out the slide. It was fun. It was a pain to take down and clean and our yard was a swamp afterwards. But, we plan to get it out once every week or two during the summer. I hope it holds up. We read some bad reviews.

Oh, and presents galore! Ha. But, she got some really great stuff. A lot of art things and puzzles and games and stuff. I am definitely going thru her toys and donating some. The girl has too much stuff!! I'll admit it, she's spoiled. Ugh.

Our Trip to OK

Here are some pictures just randomly thrown in cuz I don't know how else to do it. (Sara, you are going to help with that next week, right?) There were surprises all around. The first surprise, which I knew before we got there, is that my Dad has moved back from Korea. Yeah! The other surprise was 2 dirt bikes and a 4-wheel truck thing that we are calling a Kubota, even though it isn't. Anyway.... They were fun. I even tried the dirt bike. I used to ride them when I was little. No fear back then I guess. And, there was a new baby calf, born just 2 days before we got there. They call the mom "Dolly". See why? Poor Mama!