Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween and Flower Pillow

Wow! It's been a long time. Is anyone even looking at this any more? I need to just give this thing up. But, I wanted to post Halloween pictures of my cuties and to show off the flower pillow I made Macie. I was having a good ole time making it until I had to sew those dang petals on! You sew them on when they are stuffed and it was a little difficult.... It was a pain in the BUTT! Also, when I got ready to post this, I realized that I didn't have a picture of Macie in her Halloween costume by herself. So, this is a cute one of her and her friend Jordan aka Tinkerbell. Funny cuz Macie was Tinkerbell last year and Jordan was Ariel. Hee hee.


Tina said...

Cute pillow, Roonie!

Shara said...

We're looking! Just don't comment much.. love the pictures and stories, don't ever quit!
Aunt Shara