Wednesday, January 14, 2009


So, I am starting to freak out that Macie is going to be starting kindergarten in a few MONTHS. I never thought I would be one of those moms that would be all teary when their kids grew up, but it is just crazy how fast things are going. The best saying I ever heard is: "Motherhood is short years and long days". It is SO true. I am freaking out about kindergarten for two reasons: 1. We will be tied to a school schedule for the next 17 years! 2. Macie is growing up. So, on the subject of Macie growing up..... I am trying to cherish each little moment and each little bit of innocence..... in between the times she is driving me insane that is. So, don't know how long this will last, but I am starting a new thing, that could be daily knowing her, called "Overheard" where I am going to write down some little Macie-isms or chit-chat that could be overheard in our house.

Here is today's dose:

Macie, (while looking at some Disney princesses): Can princesses make people into princesses?
Me: Princesses are people just like you and me.
Macie: Well, I want to be a princess.
Me: You have to marry a prince.
Macie: What is a prince?
Me: The son of a king and queen. But, there are no king and queen in the US.
Macie: God is our King. Jesus is His son. I will marry Jesus.

Some may be totally disgusted by this whole conversation, but whatever. She loves princesses. Of course I could have answered in a different way and told her she is a princess, blah blah. I guess she has been listening in church after all.

Her little lines of logic just amaze me. Here is one from Thanksgiving while we were visiting my parents:

Macie LOVES her cousin Erin. Erin likes to sleep in and of course Macie is up early and can hardly stand to wait for Erin to get up so she can begin following her around all day. We were about to eat breakfast and here is the conversation:

Macie: Aunt Priscilla, does Erin like cold pancakes?
Aunt P: No, why?
Macie: Well, maybe you should wake her up, so she can eat the pancakes while they are hot.

So sneaky. Did I say innocent before? Oh well.


Clarissa said...

OMG! That is the cutest dang thing I've ever heard! She is so stinkin smart! :)) I love these posts. Keep em coming. Unreal that she's almost in kinder. CAH-RAZY!

Stephanie said...

I love it! Macie is so funny.