Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Can I Be President?

I have been glued to the tv today, loving every minute of the inauguration coverage. That is VERY unlike me. I am normally not into politics, tv (that much), or news coverage of big events in general. But, I am just so amazed and moved by this event.

Today, while watching all this, Macie asked me if she could ever be president. I can totally, without a doubt tell her that YES! she can be president. Last year if she had asked I probably would have said Yes, but thought it was a long shot.

I remember my old boss used to hold up this picture of the TCEQ board of directors and point out that they were all old, white men. It is an image that we grew up with, hardly questioning. Now, our kiddos will have another picture of leadership. That alone, political opinions aside, is so hopeful for our country and even the world. So dramatic, I know!