Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Cool Jeans Fix

I haven't posted in forever and I really want to, but always end up doing something else. But, I thought I would share with my 3 readers (ha!) a neat little trick I found and tried today. So, this is a lame post, but an easy one.

So, when you find a great pair of jeans at the thrift store for $3 and they fit and feel great over your big butt, but are WAY too long, what do ya do? It kinda defeats the purpose to take them to the tailor for $10 cuz then they are $13 jeans. Not such a great deal. And, hemming them myself isn't an option cuz it would look like crap. So...... I found this website that tells you to just sew some colorful stitches at the bottom and then just cut them off! It is a controlled fray. It was just what I wanted and was so easy and quick, goes perfect with the worn vintagey comfy look of my jeans. But, I think I cut mine a little short. Oh well. Thought I would pass it along...


Clarissa said...

You've gotta post a picture of you and your jeans!!! Love the tip!

Shara said...

Yea, I want pictures!! Too short.. add lace or rik-rak -- LOL -- kidding about that! I keep coming back to see updates.. glad your back.

Sara Moon said...

i missed this post! just found it and LOVE the idea!! more of your finds please!