Thursday, May 14, 2009

Birthday Dilema

Ok, again, I don't know how many people read this regularly, but I need some input. Sara, I already talked to you about this, but am still having some problems deciding. We started having friend bday parties with Macie at age 3. She has had 2 really fun backyard splash pool parties. This year, we were planning on another at home party. Possibly pirate and princess themed so she could invite some of her friends who are boys. I really enjoy the home parties and making the cake and all that. But, for some reason am tempted to go somewhere this year. Macie told me this morning she wanted to go to the princess tea room place. This is where they get to jump in a bounce house, dress up, have nails painted, get their own tea and teapot and cakes and cookies. You pay someone to do all that stuff. Problem is, I would have to limit the invitees cuz its pricey. This is probably the last year she will want to dress up like this. So, what do you think.... at home or fancy pants tea room? I really never thought I would go somewhere for a party, esp a place like that. But, really, I do end up spending a lot of money and definitely a lot of time getting favors and decorations and making the cake and decorating the house and cleaning up the house......

Next issue: Gifts. I really have been thinking that I want to request no gifts or donations to a charity. Macie wasn't too hot on the idea when I mentioned it once. Should I push it or wait until she is older? (For Maris, I think I will definitely start earlier, but Macie has had and has been to too many parties and seen all the gifts galore). Ok, any input would be appreciated.


Sara Moon said...

Look at me jumping in with more opinions!

As for the party at home or away...depends on how much joy it brings YOU to have it at home. If you love it and it makes you happy, then do it at home. Why? Because Macie will have fun no matter what and so make it something you can enjoy as well. If you think you're not up for it this year - then go to the tea house. You're putting too much weight into what Macie thinks. I know that sounds weird, but she's only five. She'll have much stronger opinions as she gets older and that's when you can give her opinions more weight...ya know?

As for the gifts, I told you what I thought already and again, Macie will learn to adjust to whatever you decide because SHE'S ONLY FIVE. And she'll still want to dress up next year, too! You are acting like she's 16 already...although maybe I should fear a 4/5 year old's attitude? Tell me it ain't so.

Clarissa said...

hey there! i agree with sara.
if you tell macie that she GETS to have her friends over for a princess and pirate party she'll be thrilled. no doubt she'll still want a tea party one day...but there's always bday #6, 7, 8...etc. By then she'll have more close friends, so limiting the number of invitees won't be so hard. at this age, everyone and their dog is invited because everyone is her best friend, but as she gets older the group gets smaller and smaller as her hard-core best friends become determined. i think i had a million people at my bday #6 but like, 4 at my bday #9.

gifts. i LOVE that you're teaching her about giving to others. again, if you frame it that she GETS to help others, etc. she'll adjust. Plus, this way she can model for Maris. I'm not saying it's not going to be hard to resist the whines of a 5 year old, but if you want her to learn about charity and stuff, you have to stick to your guns. That being I allowed to send a gift?!?

Shara said...

WELL! I'm older and may not be wiser but I'm for letting a kid be a kid. Let her have it her way this year because at 5 she deserves it. And, as you say, she won't want that party next year. Maybe give her choices (I really believe in that for all ages). Tell her if she has it away from home you'd like her to do donations. If she has it at home gifts are ok this time. I think wait till she's about 8 to insist on donations tho. A really good thing might be let her go to an orphange (I have one in mind in TX) and let her see that not all children have parents to provide for them. Or talk to her about Savy and how donations would benefit her and her kids with severe epilepsy. She's heard about Savy so maybe would fall for that one. I think it should be something she can understand and relate to. Don't expect everyone to agree, just sending my two cents worth. It's your party for your daughter so go with your heart. Most important is that she has a good time and no regrets. And, by the way, this comes from someone who doesn't have memories of birthday parties period, because of when it falls. Go have fun.